Hi Friends
You know, I’m so happy to be able to share something
with you today on “Doing A Little”
It’s based on a philosophy (and a philosophy is just a
set of ideas that help get you where you want to go)
This philosophy will help you with any aspect of your
life, but the reason I’m putting it here is to help you
with your daily eating habits.
Eating, besides being fun and enjoyable is really
the source of your daily energy levels.
High energy levels are possible for most people; we just
sabotage the system sometimes and end up not getting
where we want to go.
By following this simple idea (philosophy)
you will be able to keep on track and start moving
more consistently towards your goal.
I presume, like most people, it would be to stay healthy
and fit and have sufficient energy throughout the day
to do all the things you enjoy doing.
Pretty simple, common goal I’d say.
And really, not too much to ask of God’s amazing, original,
almost perpetual motion machine…your body.
You shouldn’t have to spend a lot of time worrying about
how you are going to do this either.
This system, basically has one principle. “Do one thing,
Do a little every day” that is going to take you closer
to your goal of staying healthy and fit. No matter what condition
your body is in, if you put this idea into your mind, and be conscious
of it long enough to make it a habit, you will benefit from the
compounding effect of doing one simple single thing that is
going to keep you healthy and fit.
Do one thing every day and enjoy the compound effect
it has on you over time. It’s not a quick fix,
but it will surely get you there by creating
all the good habits you need.
If you want a quicker fix, you will have to take more drastic
difficult steps to achieve your goal. There are hundreds
and thousands of these systems bombarding you every day
from your TV, Internet, Newspapers and Magazines.
The problem with all of them is; they are difficult to maintain
and develop into a lifestyle. Most of them are not possible
for the average person for one reason or another.
The “Do One Thing” Philosophy (system) can work for everyone.
This is where it gets even easier for you to pull this off.
It doesn’t really matter what this one thing is.
As long as it is something you seriously believe will help you
get where you want to go it will be sufficient for that day.
In the beginning let your conscience be your guide.
Inside every person is a built in system that tells us, if we take
the time to listen, what is good for us.
Here is a sample list of things that might come up for you
when you decide to follow this philosophy of ‘Doing one Thing”
Today I am
1. Reading something related to my health issues
2. Going for a five minute walk while I meditate on
how good I feel
3. Drinking more water
4. Taking a nap
5. Talking to someone who I trust about health issues
6. Only having one cup of tea or coffee
and making it last all day.
7. Not eating any fried food
8. Not eating any potatoes
9. Eating sugar free all day long
10. Reading the ingredient labels when I shop
11. Learning one new thing about sugar and carbohydrates
12. Finding out about Low Glycemic foods
13. Visualizing myself as healthy and fit for ten minutes
14. Saying no to my favorite junk food treat
15. Treating myself to a bag of more expensive frozen
vegetables that I like when I go shopping
16. Eating a green salad for lunch
17. Eating only raw or unprocessed food for one meal today
18. No meat today
Pick one or decide on one of your own.
Let your conscience be your guide and follow through
with just one of these things.
Get excited about your new health building system.
Don’t do more than one thing. That is the key to building a habit
and a lifestyle of looking after yourself.
Just follow the philosophy rule and “Do One Thing” every day.
It is more important that you develop this habit by keeping it
in your conscious mind everyday than it is to worry about
what the one thing is going to be.
That is the easy part and why this is so powerful
and why it can work for anyone.
Because it is your choice as to what the one thing is.
The real power of this system is the componding effect
of adding just one thing everyday.
Don’t even try to think about maintaining any of these simple
daily actions.
Pick a new one every day or pick the same one for a few days.
It doesn’t matter. What matters, is deciding to do one thing
for yourself every day that is going to help you feel healthy
and fit. It’s your body, it’s your choice and over time it will get you
where you want to go on your own terms.
If you are in the middle of what seems like a
hopeless health issue that you think is impossible to resolve,
carry on with any treatments being described by your doctor.
However, it will always work and it will certainly only help you
if you add this “Do One Thing” philosophy to your life as well.
When you first start seeing results, try not to start
overdoing it. All of these simple daily actions will add up and
continue to build super healthy habits. The key is simple and
so easy to do. Just “Do One Thing” every day.
Written by Ron Parks
PR and Nutrition Consultant